How can I cancel my Course Hero subscription?
Are you sure you want to cancel? We'll be sad to see you go!
You can cancel your Course Hero recurring subscription at any time to stop further charges. Please note: This will not automatically refund any new or recent recurring charges.
- If you signed up through our Course Hero website, follow these steps to cancel your recurring subscription: Log in to your account and click on profile picture on the upper right-hand side to go to your Settings.
- Click the "Stop Recurring Membership" button.
- Follow the instructions on the page to confirm cancellation.
- If you signed up through iTunes, you can cancel your subscription directly through your iTunes account. Contact Apple directly for any billing related questions.
- If you signed up through the Google Play store, you can cancel your subscription directly through your Google Play account. You may contact Google Play Support for any billing related questions.
Once you’ve finished that process, you will receive an email confirming that your membership has been canceled successfully. After the membership period expires, your account will then revert to a Basic Membership, which means you will have Premier access until then.
Learn more about how to completely close your Course Hero account and be removed from the site.
Cancellations will be effective within 7 business days. All debts and fees must be paid before cancellation can take effect. Termination of your account does not affect your liability or obligations under our Terms of Use.