How do I write a good Question?

Taking the time to write thorough, clear, and specific Questions allows tutors to provide you with the most helpful step-by-step explanations, and it also helps ensure that you receive the help you need as quickly as possible.

When writing your question, always double-check that it:

  • Abides by our Honor Code policy as well as your school’s and instructors’ academic integrity codes. 
  • Is written or paraphrased in your own words and/or does not display any copyright infringement (note that questions should never be copy-pasted directly from another source).
  • Is clearly focused on one single question—multiple questions or components should not be contained within the same question.
  •  Includes all of the relevant information so tutors know how to best help with your question.
  • Does not include profanity or other inappropriate words/phrases.
  •  Is tagged to the correct course.


Note that all submitted questions go through a standard quality check before they’re sent to tutors. If the above checklist is not adhered to, you may be required to make appropriate revisions before tutors can start providing explanations, thereby extending the time it takes to get the help you need.