BTS Discount Terms
Offer only available to new users. Limit 1 per customer. Users with multiple Course Hero accounts may be excluded from this promotion. Offer redeemable by signing into your Course Hero account, clicking on the Offer, and proceeding to checkout. Offer only applies once and only to the first payment of the chosen subscription plan. The first payment of the chosen subscription plan will be charged the discounted rate and any renewal payments that are charged thereafter, based on the chosen subscription plan, will be charged at the full chosen subscription plan rate. If user makes any changes to the chosen subscription plan after the Offer has been applied, the Offer will not apply to the new subscription plan. The Offer is not shareable, transferable, and cannot be sold, redeemed for cash or like exchanges, or be used with any other offer. For any refund of your purchase, you will receive the price paid (after discount). The value of the discount code will not be refunded. Course Hero reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time without notice. Void where prohibited. Additional exclusions and restrictions may apply.