How is artificial intelligence (AI) used on Course Hero?

Our community-built library of resources continues to grow thanks to millions of students and educators. Additionally, we use generative AI to provide students with step-by-step explanations and deeper learning opportunities. 


AI-generated solutions and explanations are supported by answers from real tutors, who are subject matter experts, and materials from Course Hero's extensive library of more than 100 million study resources. 


We also use a combination of human reviewers and automated systems to strive for high-quality standards for accuracy and thoroughness in AI-generated solutions and explanations. Occasionally, AI may present inaccurate or offensive content that does not represent our views, and users are encouraged to independently verify any information provided by an AI-powered resource.


To ensure we're creating tools that are instructionally meaningful and ultimately deliver on our mission to transform studying into a seamless experience for every course, we are committed to working alongside educators throughout product development. 


Our Academics Team is in constant dialogue with educators, actively seeking their input on challenges and facilitating their professional development through a range of events, workshops, and grant programs. Indeed, educators provide product suggestions, give direct feedback on early prototypes, test beta products, and participate in classroom research.


Using AI-powered tools on Course Hero is always subject to our Service Terms, Privacy Policy, Copyright Policy, and Honor Code. Students are also strongly encouraged to review and abide by their institutions’ academic integrity policies before using Course Hero.


Learn more about Course Hero’s commitment to responsible, AI-enhanced learning and the work of our Product Advisory Community, which is made up of more than 200 faculty who provide insights and product feedback. 

If you are an educator interested in shaping the future of AI-enhanced learning, sign up to join Course Hero’s Product Advisory Committee.