How can I use Course Hero for free?

While Course Hero does not offer a free trial to explore the entire platform, there are ways you can unblur (unlock) documents and use Course Hero for free. You can access uploaded documents for free—and help others learn—when you upload your own original study materials and documents.  


Uploading documents will give you Unlocks, and any Unlocks you earn are good for 30 days. Unlocks can be used to unblur and view full Course Hero documents, Textbook Solutions and Explanations, and Q&As. Questions you earn are also good for 30 days and can be used to ask questions of our online tutors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Please be aware, by submitting content (including uploads), you represent and warrant that you comply with Course Hero’s Terms of Use, Honor Code and Copyright Policy. 

Learn how to upload documents and get Course Hero for free here.

Please note: Unlocks and Questions are not redeemable for cash.