What if one of my application documents needs to be fixed?

Did you receive an email stating one or more of the documents in your tutor application needs to be fixed and uploaded again? Below are instructions to help you fix each document type, as well as country specific tips for applicants in the Philippines or India.

Please carefully read these instructions and make sure your document(s) meet all of the listed requirements before you upload them again. Also, when uploading the documents mentioned below, please make sure your documents aren't password protected, otherwise we won't be able to review them.

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What file types can be uploaded?

  • PDF, PNG, JPG, and JPEG files 

What is the maximum file size?

  • 15 MB per file

Photo Identification Card (Photo ID)

Every tutor must upload a picture of their photo identification card issued by their government (driver’s license, etc.). It should look like this:




Your photo identification card must:

  • Be issued by your government (driver's license, etc.)
  • Be fully visible and easy to read
  • Show a clear picture of your whole face
  • Show your full name

Your photo identification card can’t:

  • Be expired
  • Be blurry, dark, or hard to read
  • Be a passport
  • Be a student, college, or university identification card
  • Be cropped or covered in any way that prevents us from reading all of the information

Tips for Philippine Applicants 🇵🇭

  • Uploading a photo identification card issued by your government (driver’s license, etc.) is required.

Tips for Indian Applicants 🇮🇳

  • Uploading your Aadhaar card as your government issued photo identification is strongly recommended. If you don't have your Aadhaar card, another form of government issued photo identification is required.

Proof of Education

Every tutor must also upload proof of their education.

Acceptable documents for your proof of education include:

  • Official college or university transcript of records or mark sheet showing individual grades for each course (strongly preferred)
  • Official college or university grade report, grade memo, grade sheet, or credit sheet showing grades for each course
  • Official college or university online transcript showing grades for each course (must show full web address and full name)

Your proof of education must:

  • Be one of the documents listed above in the “Acceptable documents” section
  • Show individual grades for each course you have completed
  • Show full course names
  • Include all relevant pages
  • Show your full name
  • Be fully visible and easy to read
  • Be an official document issued by your college or university

Your proof of education can’t:

  • Be blurry, dark, or hard to read
  • Be cropped or covered in any way the prevents us from reading all of the information
  • Be a document that’s not listed above in the “Acceptable documents” section


Tips for Philippine Applicants 🇵🇭

  • Uploading your official transcript of records showing individual grades for each course is strongly recommended.

Tips for Indian Applicants 🇮🇳

  • Uploading your official mark sheet showing individual grades for each course is strongly recommended.

If you are a current college or university student, you must still upload one of the documents listed above in the acceptable documents section and it must show individual grades for all of the courses you have completed so far.


If you have completed multiple degrees, please upload a transcript of records or mark sheet for each of the degrees you have completed (or are in the process of completing). You can combine them into a single PDF using this tool and upload them as a single document.


If the last name on your Proof of Education and the last name on your Photo Identification Card (Photo ID) don't match, please upload a merged PDF that contains both your Proof of Education and your marriage certificate. You can combine them into a single PDF using this tool and upload them as a single document.


Selfie with Photo Identification Card (Photo ID)

Every tutor must also upload a selfie or picture of themselves holding their photo identification card (Photo ID) next to their face. It should look like this:




Your selfie or picture holding your photo identification card must:

  • Show your entire face
  • Show your entire photo identification card
  • Show you holding your photo identification card next to your face
  • Show the same photo identification card you uploaded
  • Be clear and allow us to see your full face and all of the information on your photo identification card

Your selfie or picture holding your photo identification card can’t:

  • Be blurry, dark, or hard to see
  • Be cropped or covered in any way the prevents us from seeing your full face and reading all of the information on your photo identification card


If you have any questions or problems during the application process, please reach out to us at tutor-applications@coursehero.com. We are happy to help! Remember, you can also find step-by-step instructions for the tutor application process here.


Your personal information will be safely processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The information you provide in your tutor application will be used to determine if you qualify as a tutor on Course Hero and as otherwise stated on our application form. Your information will never be used for any other purpose and will not be shared or made public without your consent.


Please note that only one tutor application is allowed per person and only one tutor account is allowed per person. Additionally, you can only use the Course Hero tutor account that is associated with your personal tutor application.


If you qualify and are approved as a tutor, you will act as an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of Course Hero. Given that our tutor community is dedicated to learning and teaching, and we require all tutors to uphold Course Hero’s Honor Code, Academic Integrity Policy, Copyright Policy, and Terms of Use at all times. Failure or refusal to uphold these policies at all times may result in permanent termination of your Course Hero tutor account and a ban on tutoring on Course Hero in the future.