What isn't allowed to be uploaded?

Users are prohibited from uploading or submitting copyright infringing content to our Services.  For example, users may not upload or submit exams, test banks, solution manuals, textbooks, slide presentations, or other instructor materials or related copyrighted works, in whole or in part, without the consent of the copyright owner.  Our platform also includes access to tutors.  When submitting content to the tutor service, please use your own words.  Copying content from third party sources, either directly or by paraphrasing, is copyright infringement and therefore prohibited.

By submitting content (documents, questions, Expert Answers, etc.) to our Service, you represent that:

  • You own the copyrights to the content or have express permission from the copyright owners to use and upload the content;
  • Your uploading of the content will not violate any law, regulation, or ethics code, including your school’s academic integrity policy;
  • Uploading the content will not violate our Service Terms, Honor Code, Community Guidelines or Copyright Policy.

We will remove or disable access to content if we are notified that it infringes on copyright.  We will also terminate the accounts of those who repeatedly violate our Copyright Policy.  If you are a copyright owner and encounter content on our service that infringes on your copyright, please submit a Copyright Takedown Request.

Users are also prohibited from uploading or submitting terrorist content, child or youth sexual abuse material, and any content that violates our Community Guidelines. If you encounter content on our service that violates our Community Guidelines, please report it via our Report Content Form.